Sunday, December 30, 2012

Grateful for...

Its time to be grateful for things. I'm sorry it's a little late. I realize this is supposed to come out around Thanksgiving. My sincerest apologies, I suppose it's just hard to put in words what's felt first. Speaking of first; first things first: I'm grateful for family :)
I would love to start by saying how grateful I am for all of my grandparents. They have held me in their arms and have shown me their lives and their world. And by that, I felt I knew everything there was to know about them.

They are my angels, and although they are not here with me, I feel their presence and remember their legacy, and that's all I need, right?

My Dearest Siblings:
How do you thank the people who have been everything to you and more? I suppose there's no shame in trying. Thank you for being a best friend, advisor, shoulder to cry on, spiritual leader, a strength and a light. You are honestly everything to me.

Parents of the best nature:
I do greatly love my parents. There are gifts they have given me and gifts I'm sure are to come. Thank you for giving me gifts not of a material sense, but life long lessons that have made my life more whole and more colorful.I'm sure mom will laugh at that :)

Next! To my dearest friends:
To Holly:
I know there are times we don't see much since now you live in the boonies teaching art to teenagers who need you :) But I love you bunches and bunches. You changed so many things in my life and I am indebted to you for it. Cherishing the memories!

To film friends:
What great mentors ya'll are! Goodness me. Shaping my future and my present, thanks for being good friends and the best people ever to work with!

I couldn't figure out how to put pictures of everyone on my blog so instead I'm going to pay you homage by sharing with you my very first video. It's horrible and made half fast. But it's the thought that counts right?

To my mission sisters:
I like referring to you as my sisters. I really think of you as sisters. I'm bonded to you in such a way that there is no right or possible way I could describe it. You came in my life when I didn't know who I was, or where I fit in, and helped me shape myself into exactly what I wanted to be. I look up to you, and admire you. I wish I could be just like you! And I'm always seeking your admiration. I love you, I love you, I love you!

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