Monday, April 9, 2012


So, I have been feeling kind of sick. Perhaps because of a few things. But one thing we think is because of some food allergen. I've always known I have somewhat of an intolerance to dairy and for the most part have not ever stayed away from it.... I love dairy, okay? I can't help it that its tasty.
I've also been told that dairy allergies can be accompanied with other major allergens like soy or wheat. So I am doing a little allergy test on my own. It's really been a mourning period for me, and I would like to take this time to say goodbye, to the following:
Betty Crocker Brownies (The super cheap, fudgy kind). You and I had a long run together. Remember when I ate you everyday for nearly 6 months, and then more sparsely but still rather often after that? I do. Remember how you tasted better than really expensive brands? And much much much better than gluten free/soy free/ dairy free kinds. I love you Betty Crocker! I will always love you for the good times we have shared together.

Bread: I miss you bread. I especially miss the super unhealthy, overly soft, white bread. You made bologna sandwiches the best. And also though grilled cheese sandwiches have always given me a tummy ache, but I was in bliss eating you. I remember preaching to people that whole wheat might be good for you, but white will always taste better. And it makes my tongue itchy. I don't think it's because I'm allergic to it, but I do think it's because, is nasty. Also not eating, makes it really hard to have a burger in restaurants. I don't know how to get my meat if you are not covering it. You make everything easier to eat in a car. My car is happy. I'm not.

Cheese: I super miss you most. I could put you on crackers, and you taste awesome with avocado, and tomato. You also make a BLT, a BLTAwesome. I will miss that. I will especially miss it on my unhealthy, squishy bread. Remember a time when people didn't eat tons of cheese? I don't. Cheese you are also in my sushi. Cream cheese style. Remember Cheesecake? I'm trying to erase it from my mind, PTSD style. I drooled about you last night. It was a real sad commentary on how much I miss you. You know what else is good? Cheese curds... fried... from Culver's

Ice Cream: I think I miss you. I miss you more because I can't have you. I want custard real bad.

J-Dawgs: J-Dawgs, you are made of bread, soy and joy. I love you. Want to hear a conversation I recently had with myself outside of your restaurant?

Me: I can do this! (as I grip the steering wheel)
Me: But if I have it just this once I can just start the test over again. I'm not that far into this whole allergy testing thingy. I could just start over
-5 Minutes Later
Me: But then I'd be on it longer
Me: But I super want special sauce!!!! On a polish dog! With unhealthy bread.... sigh
Me: I have to drive to Amber's. She'll feed me.
Me: I'm just so hungry.

Brazilian Lemonade: Since when does lemonade have dairy in it?

Soy: Why are you in everything? Including dark chocolate? Stop it!

Vending Machines: You know? I only eat at vending machines at work, and seem to be completely incapable of bringing food to work.

Fast Food Restaurants: You make things SO convenient. And you give me lots of meat. Want to know what I had for dinner tonight? Let's just say, I didn't include meat.

In conclusion, I am craving Sushi, lots and lots of sushi right now. And Mochi covered plum ice cream.... and fried chicken. Goodbye tasty, tasty food. I'll lament your absence.